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    Thursday, December 25, 2008

    Ethan's First Christmas

    Ethan's first Christmas brought many blessings. Most notably for us, Ethan himself. Ong Noi and Ba Noi came to town to help us spoil the boys. Ethan is our little chunk of love. We were going to try to take the popular photos of "baby in a stocking" but E is just too darn big for that.

    Unofficially, he's probably weighing in at about 15 or 16 pounds. He's nearly four months old and he's stretching his 6-9 month clothes. For Christmas, Ethan got a few more toys, some books, and a tray for his Bumbo chair.

    Ethan is a very alert baby. He'll give you a smile without any prompting and he's generally a very laid back little guy. He doesn't take a nuk as much as his older brother did (or does). Ethan is still not very accepting of the bottle yet, but he seems to be taking it well at daycare. I haven't had much luck with administering a bottle myself. He much prefers bellying up to his mother's "bar".

    Overall, we had a wonderful first Christmas with Ethan. We look forward to many more blessed Christmases to come.

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