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    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    Enjoying the Chaos

    Here's a quick post of a chaotic day in our household:

    12:00 AM -- Camden's awake! Mommy performs a midnight diaper change and a little post midnight cuddle time.
    12:30 AM -- A little shut eye for everyone.
    3:15 AM -- Ethan's awake... hungry little man.
    3:45 AM -- Ethan thinks it's play time... what a happy baby? Where's our sleepy man?
    4:30 AM -- Ethan gets handed off from mommy to daddy.
    5:15 AM -- Camden wakes for the day. A little more snuggle time with mommy.
    6:00 AM -- Baby swap. Mom and E get a 30 minute nap while daddy and C get ready for daycare.
    6:30 AM -- Snow Shoveling (daddy!).
    7:00 AM -- Feed Ethan, Feed Camden.
    7:30 AM -- Pack for daycare: Ethan's bottles, Camden's soy milk and snow pants, mom's pump, mom's computer, hats, mittens.... and more!
    8:00 AM -- Out the door... late (but we're using the weather as an excuse).
    8:15 AM -- Drop off: Coats off, Mittens off, Hat and scarves: check, check. Sign in, get Ethan out, get Camden into his breakfast chair (second breakfast of the day for him).
    8:40 AM -- Finally, at work. Let the day begin!!!

    So much fun, so little time! We were a little grumpy this morning but managed to overcome our sleepy states. The workday passed, for me anyway, in a blur. Then it was time to finish the day:

    6:00 PM -- home late! (Daycare pick up took extra long to get out of the daycare door).
    6:30 PM -- Soup's on. Literally... the microwave is broken. Healthy choice veggie soup was the selection for the evening.
    7:00 PM -- Bath time. Camden first in the tub. Lots of play... while I managed to clip Ethan's fingernails.
    7:30 PM -- Camden's prayers, books and nighttime bottle.
    7:45 PM -- Camden protests sleep because he could here lots of noise in the hallway.
    7:46 PM -- Ethan's bath time.
    8:15 PM -- Ethan's bedtime meal.
    8:30 PM -- Impromptu webcam with Mike and Mindi Myser.
    9:00 PM -- Mommy succombs to a lifetime movie for the first time in ages... daddy is working on projects.
    10:50 PM -- Mommy is wishing the laundry fairy put away the five loads of laundry that are unfolded in baskets.
    11:50 PM -- Wondering why I'm still blogging. We're also wondering where the TV remote could possibly be. It's been missing for three days!

    A little shut eye before our 3 AM feeding!

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