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    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    Peaceful E!

    It's been two weeks since Ethan arrived! How does the time go so fast?! Our little bundle of joy is settling in quite nicely!

    Despite the chaos of the household, he is so calm and oh, so cuddly! Our days have settled into a wonderful routine and I'm enjoying bonding with him while big brother continues to go to daycare in the mornings and early afternoons. This means that mommy and Ethan SLEEP IN! There's a lot of relaxing going on these days :-)

    Ethan is doing so well... he nurses like a champ, which would explain why he surpassed his birth weight at his one week visit, takes long naps and enjoys looking at his new world throughout the day. He makes the most beautiful newborn baby noises (need to get those on video somehow, although, I liken his chatter to that of a baby goat, which I don't think translates that well via blogging!).

    Ethan is very expressive. Whether it's the crinkle of his little forehead, his gaping, hungry mouth or his satisfied expression, there's always something to watch in his face. He's also super smiley, which I know is involuntary at this age, but he gives big grins throughout the day, especially after nursing!

    These newborn moments are going so fast, I only hope that I can accurately capture what wonder and joy Ethan brings to this family!

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