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    Saturday, February 14, 2009

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Happy Valentine's Day! We hope everyone is sharing this day with the one(s) you love. We're lucky to have two of the sweetest Valentines that exist.

    Thanks to Ong Noi and Ba Noi for the froggy bath set.

    Friday, February 13, 2009

    Rice Rice Baby

    Ethan had his first solid meal this week. We mixed up some rice for him and he seemed to enjoy it. He took it, at least. We're happy that he didn't protest against it since he hasn't been the most accepting of taking a bottle. At least now we feel like we can fall back on rice is we really needed to feed him and a boob or bottle isn't available.

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    The Bailout

    Last week was challenging in the Nguyen household. Both Camden and Ethan ran pretty high temperatures and each had their own episodes of vomiting. There were many sleepless nights since both of them were up seemingly every hour. And if one of them woke up, it's worth noting that they both always wake up crying, then inevitably the other woke up as well. When Ethan wakes up he makes sure the whole neighborhood knows he's up.

    So we took both Ethan and Camden to the doctor to get them checked out in case they had ear infections. As we suspected, Camden had an ear infection. In both ears. Luckily, Ethan's ears were clear and we avoided having to administer any antibiotics. Ethan generally was in good spirits and his normal smiley and giggly self. He still isn't sleeping regularly yet.

    Ethan still wakes up every couple of hours, sick or not. He seems to nap normally during the day, but he just doesn't have night sleeping down yet. He doesn't seem any worse for the wear.

    Given that the week was such a drain for everyone, we looked forward to the weekend when we expected the arrival of Grandma and Grandpa Sindt. They are always a welcome site for bleary, sleep deprived eyes, and they didn't disappoint on this visit either. It's nice to have someone around that is, not only willing, but HAPPY to take any number of the night shifts with the boys. They're easily bribed by the mere scent of coffee and food. Or maybe they're easily duped by Ethan's extended bottom lip when he expresses sadness.

    Whatever it is, we're thankful for the time and effort they make to come visit us. It's important for us that Ethan and Camden have as much exposure to family as we can possibly provide. Especially when they're lucky enough to have such wonderful grandparents like Grandma and Grandpa Sindt. They're Ong Noi and Ba Noi are pretty fantastic too :)

    Friday, February 6, 2009

    American Idles

    We'd been meaning to get together with friends, Jeff and Sara Idle, but our schedules never seemed to match up. We finally had them over for some pizza, beers, and brownies. They hadn't met Ethan yet and Camden was in fine form being quite the entertainer. Jeff is baby-phobic, so there aren't any pictures of him actually holding Ethan.