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    Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    Active little Ethan!

     Ethan is determined to be in the mix of everything.    He lets us know what he wants, where he wants to be and with whom.     He watches his big brother intently and has a new affinity for pushing trucks and other four-wheeled toys around just like Camden.   He’s especially thrilled with the new found freedom his walker gives him.   He takes off down the driveway as fast as his little feet will carry him…. Looking back with the biggest smile on his face to make sure we are watching him. 


    He loves sharing and will hand (or almost hand) you items and wait for you to give them back.   His favorite noises are the “motor boat” noise.     He too loved the four wheeler and loved being at Grandma and Grandpa’s with all the wide open door ways and what not.



    Monday, July 20, 2009

    Ethan on the go!

    Let chaos reign!    Ethan has mastered crawling with a vengeance and his newfound mobility is driving many changes in our household.   The many baby gates are going back up – one at the top of the upstairs stairwell, one at the top of the kitchen stairwell,   the boarder gate that spans the TV components and the fireplace.    Despite our Safety First mantra, Ethan’s already got a bit of shiner… he was playing at my feet at the refrigerator door yesterday while I was putting away groceries.    He toppled while trying to reach the dressing bottles on the next door shelf up and had a little bruise bust under his eyebrow.    Poor little guy!   He hollered for a bit but settled easily enough.   We tried to apply a the boo boo bunny but he just wanted to chew it.    


    Ethan’s also obsessed with Camden’s sippy cups.    They  can each have their own sippie cups and the minute Ethan spots one of Camden’s he abandon’s his and bee lines for the much more appealing one.  


    It’s definitely a little more chaotic with two on the move, but they really are bonding and enjoying each other so much, we cannot complain!



    Thursday, July 16, 2009

    Exciting updates on Ethan: Waving!

    Our amazing E continues to make tons of interactive progress!    This week he’s all about the waving and squealing hello.    He’s very communicative, laughing often as his big brother, expressing extreme displeasure when someone wrongs him, waving hello and mirroring our sounds.    He loves to motorboat, which often has all of us motor-boating back at him.  


    <a href="" title="DSC_0107 by kimberlyknguyen, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="681" alt="DSC_0107" /></a>


    Kimberly Nguyen  | IT Business Analyst | Technology Services | Carlson Marketing
    phone: 763.212.2856  |  mobile: 612.385.2775 |   fax: 763.212.3361  |  mail stop: 8280  |  skype id:  kimberlyknguyen